Club Penguin Blog - Cheats, Secrets, News, Stories and more!

Friday 2 October 2015

Club Penguin 10th Anniversary Party CHEATS - mascot meet-up times

During Club Penguin's 10th Anniversary Party, Sensei, Aunt Arctic, Rookie, Ph, Gary, Herbert, Rockhopper, Dot and Cadence will be waddling around the island to celebrate the party with us! Here are some times you can meet up with them on the English servers :)

Message from MEGG: Hi Penguins!
Ready for our biggest anniversary celebration ever?! Here's the master calendar of meet-up times for the party:

 Remember! The times listed are in Penguin Standard Time (PST), check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time.

...Hey where's the Penguin Band? Shouldn't they be meeting up with us?

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