- Stadium - Holiday Party December 2005
- Dance Lounge - Holiday Party 2011
- Coffee Shop - Party central
- Dance Club - Summer Party June 2006
- Pizza Shop - Card-Jitsu Party May 2013
- Forest - Island Adventure Party June 2010
- Ice Berg - April Fools Party April 2008
- Cove - Adventure Party -Temple Of Fruit August 2012
- Ski Hill - Sports Party August 2006
- Book Room - Halloween Party October 2008
1. Stadium
-I really like the stadium because its one of the old Club Penguin vintage rooms. ...and it's Christmas themed! :)
In-game info post: It doesn't get any more vintage than this! The Christmas Party of 2005 was on of the first parties. It led the way for all our fun!
Penguin Fact: The Santa hat made it's first appearance here.
2. Dance Lounge
- Special access to Santa's workshop, yass please! :) This room is beautiful decorated, I love it! ...and WIN A FREE PRIZE! :)
In-game info post: Penguin got special Access to Santa's workshop during the Holiday Party of 2011.
Penguin Fact: In 2011, Coins for Change donated 2 million dollars to charities.
3. Coffee Shop
-Party Central
Who doesn't love the Coffee Shop? It got Smoothie Smash, the home of Club Penguin Times, and of course, COFFEE :)
4. Dance Club
-Cool! Another vintage decorated room! I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't bring back the DJ3K game with this room. :( Despite that, it's still a cool room! :) I mean it's got a freaking pool!
In-game info post: Get down to the sounds of the summer party 2006! This classic room asked the question: Why swim when you can dance?
Penguin Fact: The beach was opened during the 2006 Summer Party.
5. Pizza Shop
-I really like this room because we don't see many Card-Jitsu styled room's in CP, other than of course the Dojo.
In-game info post: In the Card-Jitsu Party of 2013, ninjas would stop here to eat.
Penguin Fact: Sensei came across one of Club Penguin's most dangerous villains at this party: Tusk!
6. Forest
-I like these rooms because of the nice jungle style theme to it of the June 2010 Adventure Party.
In-game info post: This pirate tree fort comes from the Island Adventure Party 2010. Throw a snowball at the pale red to watch it grow!
Penguin Fact: Throwing a snowball is never a bad idea in Club Penguin island.
7. Ice Berg
-This room is kinda for the lolz. :) A funny take on the Ice Berg...
In-game info post: Whoa... umm...? This room appeared on April Fools 2008... we were confused by it then as we are now.
Penguin Fact: If you drop a raisin into soda water it will bob up and down.
8. Cove
-Oh I love this room for its colorful styling and fruit theme! Makes me want to eat I don't know, a banana!
In-game info bot: The Temple of Fruit was all about feeding fruit to a hungry volcano. And the reward? Smoothie Smash! You might not have even noticed me at this party. I was testing my lemon costume.
9. Ski Hill
- It would of been awesome to of been here during the August Sports Party of 2006. With all the vibe, there would of been heaps of people sled racing! :)
In-game info post: Red Team or Blue Team? This was the choice during the Sports Party 2006. What are you waiting for? grab a sled and goooooooo!
Penguin Fact: Sled Racing is one of the original Club Penguin mini-games!
10. Book Room
- And lastly the Book Room. It was nice to see the return of the old Book Room styling. It's a really nice cozy quiet room to come and read a book or play Mancala! :) This will always be one of my favorite rooms!
In-game info post: Don't let this cozy setting fool you-there was no place to hide during the Halloween Party.
Penguin Fact: There's a secret door in this room. To find it, you'll need to light the way!
...Well those were my top 10 favorite rooms of the Club Penguin's 10th Anniversary Party. :)
What's your favorite room(s)? Post a comment below! :)
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