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Sunday, 18 October 2015

My 10 Favourite 10th Anniversary Party rooms!

During Club Penguin's 10th Anniversary Party, I've been waddling around and checking out all the rooms. I've seen some really cool rooms! I decided to make a list of my favourite party rooms:

  1. Stadium - Holiday Party December 2005
  2. Dance Lounge - Holiday Party 2011
  3. Coffee Shop - Party central
  4. Dance Club - Summer Party June 2006
  5. Pizza Shop - Card-Jitsu Party May 2013
  6. Forest - Island Adventure Party June 2010
  7. Ice Berg - April Fools Party April 2008
  8. Cove - Adventure Party -Temple Of Fruit August 2012
  9. Ski Hill - Sports Party August 2006 
  10. Book Room - Halloween Party October 2008

1.  Stadium

-I really like the stadium because its one of the old Club Penguin vintage rooms. ...and it's Christmas themed! :)

In-game info post: It doesn't get any more vintage than this! The Christmas Party of 2005 was on of the first parties. It led the way for all our fun!
Penguin Fact: The Santa hat made it's first appearance here.

2.   Dance Lounge

- Special access to Santa's workshop, yass please! :) This room is beautiful decorated, I love it! ...and WIN A FREE PRIZE! :)

In-game info post: Penguin got special Access to Santa's workshop during the Holiday Party of 2011.
Penguin Fact: In 2011, Coins for Change donated 2 million dollars to charities.

3.   Coffee Shop

-Party Central
Who doesn't love the Coffee Shop? It got Smoothie Smash, the home of Club Penguin Times, and of course, COFFEE :)

4.   Dance Club

-Cool! Another vintage decorated room! I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't bring back the DJ3K game with this room. :(  Despite that, it's still a cool room! :)  I mean it's got a freaking pool!

In-game info post: Get down to the sounds of the summer party 2006! This classic room asked the question: Why swim when you can dance?
Penguin Fact: The beach was opened during the 2006 Summer Party.

5.   Pizza Shop

-I really like this room because we don't see many Card-Jitsu styled room's in CP, other than of course the Dojo.

In-game info post: In the Card-Jitsu Party of 2013, ninjas would stop here to eat.
Penguin Fact: Sensei came across one of Club Penguin's most dangerous villains at this party: Tusk!

6.   Forest

-I like these rooms because of the nice jungle style theme to it of the June 2010 Adventure Party.

In-game info post: This pirate tree fort comes from the Island Adventure Party 2010. Throw a snowball at the pale red to watch it grow!
Penguin Fact: Throwing a snowball is never a bad idea in Club Penguin island.

7.   Ice Berg

-This room is kinda for the lolz. :)  A funny take on the Ice Berg...

In-game info post: Whoa... umm...? This room appeared on April Fools 2008... we were confused by it then as we are now.
Penguin Fact: If you drop a raisin into soda water it will bob up and down.

8.  Cove

-Oh I love this room for its colorful styling and fruit theme! Makes me want to eat I don't know, a banana!

In-game info bot: The Temple of Fruit was all about feeding fruit to a hungry volcano. And the reward? Smoothie Smash! You might not have even noticed me at this party. I was testing my lemon costume.

9.   Ski Hill

- It would of been awesome to of been here during the August Sports Party of 2006. With all the vibe, there would of been heaps of people sled racing! :)

In-game info post: Red Team or Blue Team? This was the choice during the Sports Party 2006. What are you waiting for? grab a sled and goooooooo! 
Penguin Fact: Sled Racing is one of the original Club Penguin mini-games!

10.   Book Room

- And lastly the Book Room. It was nice to see the return of the old Book Room styling. It's a really nice cozy quiet room to come and read a book or play Mancala! :)  This will always be one of my favorite rooms!

In-game info post: Don't let this cozy setting fool you-there was no place to hide during the Halloween Party. 
Penguin Fact: There's a secret door in this room. To find it, you'll need to light the way!

...Well those were my top 10 favorite rooms of the Club Penguin's 10th Anniversary Party. :) 

What's your favorite room(s)? Post a comment below! :)

Thanks for reading this! 

Be sure to follow me on Twitter for the latest news, secrets and cheats to come out on CP! 

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