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Wednesday 14 October 2015

I met Gary!

Today I met Gary on the server Crystal! There were heaps of people all waiting eagerly to meet him, This wasn't my first time meeting him, but the first time I added him as a friend! :) I got Gary's new giveaway as well as the stamp!

Meeting Gary! :)

...Waiting for Gary :)

...10 Minutes later... He's here! :)

...Gary gave us a lecture on how to throw a perfect snowball! :)

...Two Gary's?..Oh wait, no, it's just the one. :)

...Gary thinks I'm a good friend! :)

...Best friends!

Gary's Stamp! :)

...Got it! :)

...10 down, 2 to go! 

I hope you liked this post! ...I certainly did! :)
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