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Saturday 24 October 2015

Party Invite: 10th Anniversary Celebration :)

This is a message from MEGGBOT - "The Almighty Ruler of the Blog"

Greetings Feathered Friends, It is I, Meggbot the Almighty Ruler of the Blog here with a very important announcement.
Tomorrow marks 10 WHOLE YEARS of Club Penguin. Lucky for you, a few passionate members of our community have organized a giant online meet-up to help celebrate. 
There's even a rumor that well-known penguins will be in attendance... I'm not a fan of parties, so I, of course, will stay here and maintain control of the blog.
If you're interested, here's all the information you need:
I suppose I should thank KingBoo8884, Mrzero3, Pen50gi, Spikey2007, Bacon, Claire 62, Pup1one, Rosytilly and Jdan1001 for organizing this meet-up. Well done penguins, your enthusiasm is inspiring -- I shall let this party commence accordingly.
Well, I must get back to my very important daily duties. Enjoy your party.
-Meggbot the Almighty Ruler of the Blog

...Thanks for the party invite MEGGBOT! :) Hopefully I can make it even though the enormous anniversary cake is gone :(

Thanks for reading this!
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Until then, keep waddling!

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