Club Penguin Blog - Cheats, Secrets, News, Stories and more!

Friday 23 October 2015


Message from MEGGBOT:

MUAHAHAHA. The time has finally come, my feathery friends... time for the MEGGBOT TAKEOVER. 
(Bet you didn't see that one coming, did you?)
The blog is now mine. And for my first order of business, you will refer to me as MEGGBOT THE ALMIGHTY RULER OF THE BLOG. Or else...
That's all for today. Come back tomorrow at 9:00am PST sharp for my next order of business. 
-Meggbot the Almighty Ruler of the Blog

...Well you heard her! -"ALMIGHTY RULER OF THE BLOG" Club Penguin Halloween Party 2015 CHEATS.

Thanks for reading this!
Follow me on Twitter for the latest CP news, Secrets, and more! 
Until then, keep waddling!

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