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Tuesday 20 October 2015

CP Time Warp #18 - Rockhopper

Message from MEGGBOT:

Over the years, Rockhopper went from being a PARROT to the tall-tale-telling swashbuckler he is today. Here's a look back on the art progression of our favorite pirate penguin, CAPtain RockhoPPer! BEEeeep*... ;;Error code = Null object does not exist. unrecoverable error. goodbye.
...It's interesting to see how Rockhopper's design changes over the years. ...I think my two favorite rendition's would be the 2008 design, and 2009 design. ...I really don't like the 2013 design.
...OH NO! it seems that MEGGBOT is malfunctioning just like the other Anniversary Bots! I'm gonna have to report this to Gary immediately!  

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Until then, keep waddling!

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