Club Penguin Blog - Cheats, Secrets, News, Stories and more!

Friday 23 October 2015

CP Time Warp #21 - The Party Starts Now!

Message from MEGGBOT:

Check out some of the team's early ideas for Cadence's first big music video, "The Party Starts Now!"
This is also the last post in our CP Time Warp series – hope everyone enjoyed our little blast from the past! Which time waRp wAS YOUR favOrite? BZZZzzzzztttt ;;error 392 BLAS!T!!XF#
...I love to see concept sketches from the CP Team! ...and then to see how to gets put into the video is petty cool.

Try not to go too crazy...Club Penguin Halloween Party 2015 CHEATS.

Thanks for reading this!
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Until then, keep waddling!

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